About Us
Pharmacom Labs was founded in 2006 as a small laboratory with an inventory dedicated to only four products. Within the first two years, the number of products tripled; today there are over forty developed satisfying amateur and professional clients alike. Our products have found their way to devoted fans in every corner of the globe. We always follow the latest trends in the world of bodybuilding, from the United States to Russia, England or as far as the Republic of South Africa!
Our company’s staff consists of professionals dedicated to moving this business forward! Every year we attend dozens of international exhibitions in order to implement the newest technologies into our manufacturing process. With a purchase of any product from our line, you are guaranteed the most technologically developed product on the market!

In order to provide you with best quality on the market, we are dedicated to keeping up with all new innovations of raw material quality assurance, drug synthesis, and the final packaging of our products. In our laboratories we employ chromatographs of the latest generation which allow us to develop our own base reference of standard drugs. Each and every time we acquire a raw material, it undergoes comparison with the standard and only then is it approved for manufacture. We provide you with raw materials with a purity of at least 98.5%!
For production of oil-based drugs, we use only natural oils with double filtration! This makes it possible even for products of increased concentration to be easily assimilated by the organism. For product filtration, we use ceramic filters which yield crystal-clear products.